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Tingkat keketatan untuk masuk UI sangat tinggi. Dimana hanya 5 % yang dapat diterima setiap tahunnya. Sebagai contoh pada tahun 2008 hanya 5000 mahasiswa yang diterima dari 100.000 pendaftar. UI menyadari pendidikan pasca sarjana dan pada tahun 2012 diharapkan lebih dari 50% mahasiswa selengkapnya . . .

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Bantuan buku persiapan USM STAN, bantuan biaya pemondokan dan bantuan biaya pendaftaran 2009 telah ditutup, bantuan telah kami sampaikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya. Kami turut berbahagia, karena penerima bantuan biaya pendaftaran berhasil di terima di STAN. Kami juga mohon maaf, karena tidak semua yang mengajukan permohonan bantuan tersebut dapat terpenuhi, karena keterbatasan alokasi dana untuk keperluan tersebut. Harapan kami, semoga Anda semua tetap semangat dan tidak putus asa dalam belajar, walau sebagian terhalang masalah biaya. Dan bersama kusulitan, ada kemudahan bagimu.
selengkapnya . . .

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Pidato Pendidikan
(contoh pidato)

Pendidikan yang memadai adalah situasi yang sangat didambakan oleh semua rakyat Indonesia. Pendidikan bukan maju daripada kuantitasnya, tetapi juga dari kualitasnya.
Menurut UUD '45 pasal 31 ayat 1,2,3,4, maka pendidikan wajib untuk kita dan pemerintahan juga bertanggung jawab mensuportnya.

Pendidikan adalah hal yang paling penting di negara yang sedang berkembang. Kalau sumber alam di kelola dengan baik, dan dengan tanah yang subur di mana-mana, seharusnya negara ini termasuk yang paling kaya di Asia Tenggara. Tetapi kalau kita melihat hal pendidikan, masyarakat terus meminta beasiswa dan biaya pendidikan seperti pengemis di pinggir jalan. Di negara seperti Indonesia, pendidikan sampai tamat sekolah menengah seharusnya gratis (biayanya dari pemerintah).

Jika kita bandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga, maka dalam dunia pendidikan, Indonesia masih harus belajar banyak. Padahal pada waktu tahun 70an sampai 80an keadaan pendidikan di Indonesia dan Malaysia tidak begitu berbeda dan beberapa guru dari Indonesia dibawa ke Malaysia untuk membantu.

Sekarang pendidikan di Malaysia termasuk yang paling baik di dunia, tetapi Indonesia tidak maju dan sekarang biaya pendidikan yang bermutu rendah saja sudah mulai menjadi di luar jangkauan kebanyakan masyarakat di Indonesia.

Peningkatan dan persamaan mutu ini bisa dilakukan apabila pihak pemerintah benar-benar mau fokus dan peduli pada pendidikan di daerah dengan memberi sarana dan prasarana yang cukup dan sama dengan sekolah2 bermutu tinggi lain yang ada di Jawa (pusat), serta mengirimkan dan memberikan tunjangan lebih kepada guru (secara umum).

Langkah paling awal yang perlu dilakukan sebenarnya mudah (itu juga apabila pemerintah benar2 punya niat untuk melakukannya): berantas korupsi dan naikkan upah/gaji guru/tenaga pengajar lainnya. Alasannya adalah guru merupakan ujung tombak pendidikan, dan apabila guru telah berkecukupan, mereka akan dengan rela dan semangat mengajar! Ini bukan berarti sogokan supaya guru mau mengajar, tetapi lebih kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan guru. Banyak guru yg 'mutung' atau ngambek mengajar karena mereka merasa bahwa pekerjaan mereka sia2, mereka merasa tidak mendapat balas jasa yang sesuai dari pekerjaan mereka.

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Senior Student


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PAPER HEART Rated PG-13 88 min.

Charlyne Yi does not believe in love; her own experiences have turned her into another modern-day skeptic. Charlyne embarks on a quest with good friend, Nick, and searches for answers and advice about love. Then talk with friends, strangers, scientists, bikers, romance novelists and children. Who all offer diverse views on modern romance. Shortly after filming begins, Charlyne meets a boy after her own heart and as their relationship develops on camera, her pursuit to discover the nature of love takes on a fresh new urgency. Starring Michael Cera, Charlyne Yi, Jake Johnson, Martin Starr and Seth Rogen. Directed by Nicholas Jasenovec.

COLD SOULS Rated PG-13 101 min

Paul Giamatti, paralyzed by anxiety, stumbles upon a solution about a high-tech company that promises to alleviate suffering by extracting souls. Giamatti enlists their service only to discover that his soul is the shape and size of a chickpea. His intention is to reinstate it once he survives the performance but complications ensue when someone borrows Giamatti's stored soul. Starring Paul Giamatti, Armand Schultz (II), Michael Tucker, Dina Korzun and Ted Koch. Directed by Sophie Barthes.



In German-occupied France, Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the execution of her family at the hand of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa. Shosanna narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she forges a new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema. Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as “The Basterds,” Raine’s squad joins forces with a German actress and undercover agent on a mission to take down the leaders of The Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee, where Shosanna is poised to carry out a revenge plan of her own. Starring Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Mike Myers, Diane Kruger, Daniel Bruhl, B.J. Novak and Samm Levine. Directed by Quentin Tarantino.



This film is based on a book by Elliot Tiber, whose efforts to save his Jewish family’s dying motel in upstate New York helped launch 1969’s Woodstock Music and Arts Festival. The bank is about to foreclose on Elliot’s family motel so when he learns that a nearby town has denied a permit for a large music concert, he uses his authority as the Chamber of Commerce president, to bring the concert to White Lake in hopes of drumming up business for the motel. Three weeks later, half a million people are on their way to his neighbor’s farm and swept up in a generation-defining experience that would change American culture. Starring Demetri Martin, Kevin Chamberlin, Emile Hirsch, Imelda Staunton and Jonathan Groff. Directed by Ang Lee.
500 DAYS OF SUMMER Rated PG-13 95 min Even in this cynical world, Tom still believes in the notion of a cosmically destined, lightning strikes once, kind of love. Summer does not believe that true love exists but that does not stop Tom from pursuing her. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend, Chloe Grace Moretz and Matthew Gray Gubler. Directed by Marc Webb.


THE HURT LOCKER Rated R 131 min

In the summer of 2004, Sergeant Sanborn and Specialist Eldridge are part of a small counterforce trained to handle the homemade bombs, or Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), that account for more than half of American hostile deaths and have killed thousands of Iraqis. A high-pressure, high-stakes assignment, the job leaves no room for mistakes. When Staff Sergeant James takes over the team, Sanborn and Eldridge are shocked by what seems like his reckless disregard for military protocol and basic safety measures. As the fiery chaos of Baghdad swirls around them, the men struggle to understand and contain their new leader long enough for them to make it home. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty and Guy Pearce. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow.


COLD SOULS Rated PG-13 101 min.

Paul Giamatti, paralyzed by anxiety, stumbles upon a solution about a high-tech company that promises to alleviate suffering by extracting souls. Giamatti enlists their service only to discover that his soul is the shape and size of a chickpea. His intention is to reinstate it once he survives the performance but complications ensue when someone borrows Giamatti's stored soul. Starring Paul Giamatti, Armand Schultz (II), Michael Tucker, Dina Korzun and Ted Koch. Directed by Sophie Barthes.



In German-occupied France, Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the execution of her family at the hand of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa. Shosanna narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she forges a new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema. Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as “The Basterds,” Raine’s squad joins forces with a German actress and undercover agent on a mission to take down the leaders of The Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee, where Shosanna is poised to carry out a revenge plan of her own. Starring Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Mike Myers, Diane Kruger, Daniel Bruhl, B.J. Novak and Samm Levine. Directed by Quentin Tarantino.



This film is based on a book by Elliot Tiber, whose efforts to save his Jewish family’s dying motel in upstate New York helped launch 1969’s Woodstock Music and Arts Festival. The bank is about to foreclose on Elliot’s family motel so when he learns that a nearby town has denied a permit for a large music concert, he uses his authority as the Chamber of Commerce president, to bring the concert to White Lake in hopes of drumming up business for the motel. Three weeks later, half a million people are on their way to his neighbor’s farm and swept up in a generation-defining experience that would change American culture. Starring Demetri Martin, Kevin Chamberlin, Emile Hirsch, Imelda Staunton and Jonathan Groff. Directed by Ang Lee.
500 DAYS OF SUMMER Rated PG-13 95 min Even in this cynical world, Tom still believes in the notion of a cosmically destined, lightning strikes once, kind of love. Summer does not believe that true love exists but that does not stop Tom from pursuing her. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend, Chloe Grace Moretz and Matthew Gray Gubler. Directed by Marc Webb.


THE HURT LOCKER Rated R 131 min

In the summer of 2004, Sergeant Sanborn and Specialist Eldridge are part of a small counterforce trained to handle the homemade bombs, or Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), that account for more than half of American hostile deaths and have killed thousands of Iraqis. A high-pressure, high-stakes assignment, the job leaves no room for mistakes. When Staff Sergeant James takes over the team, Sanborn and Eldridge are shocked by what seems like his reckless disregard for military protocol and basic safety measures. As the fiery chaos of Baghdad swirls around them, the men struggle to understand and contain their new leader long enough for them to make it home. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty and Guy Pearce. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow.
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